See what the Glimpact platform

Their overall environmental footprint according to the requirements of the PEF method adopted by the EU

Glimpact calculates the overall environmental footprint of each product by aggregating the results of assessments on the 16 impact categories of the PEF method (carbon footprint, but also emissions of fine particles, use of fossil and water resources, ecotoxicity and use of agricultural land).

This footprint is expressed as a PEF score in µPt (micro-points) on a continuous scale: the higher the score, the greater the impact of the product in question. One PEF point represents the environmental footprint of an average European for one year.

Here, this shirt has an overall impact over its entire life cycle of 3133 µPt, equivalent to driving 261 kilometers (162 miles) by car.

Their environmental impact by impact category

By applying the characterization methods to each of the 16 impact categories defined by the PEF method, Glimpact makes it possible to visualize which categories contribute most to the overall environmental footprint of the product under consideration.

In this example, the climate change is the category that contributes most to the product's overall environmental footprint, accounting for 24%, while water use represent only 21%.

Their environmental impact by life-cycle stage

By taking into account the impact of each stage in a product's life cycle - from raw materials to end-of-life - Glimpact makes it possible to visualize which stages contribute most to the overall environmental footprint of the product in question.

As an example, for the same shirt, the production of raw materials and the processes applied to them represent the life-cycle stage that contributes most to the overall footprint, accounting for 75%.

Analysis of their environmental performance compared with that of representative products in their category

For each product analyzed, Glimpact's extensive databases enable us to compare the environmental footprint of the products under consideration with that of representative products in their respective categories, distinguishing between the most and least impactful practices.

Here, we can see that the shirt studied is positioned at the bottom of the range, meaning that its environmental footprint is lower than the average for products in its category.

Detailed analysis of the factors explaining their environmental footprint

The Sankey diagram highlights the main contributions to the environmental footprint throughout the product life cycle. This is a flow diagram in which the largest surface area flows represent the greatest source of impact for the stage considered, the sub-stage, the material, or the specific life-cycle process. This diagram can then be used to directly identify which processes in the supply chain have the greatest influence on overall impact.

Here, the Sankey diagram shows that raw materials represent the most important stage (75%) and that, within raw materials, the Jersey component also accounts for 75% of the impact of raw materials.

In addition to the Sankey diagram analysis, it is possible to deepen the analysis of the factors explaining a product's environmental footprint by aggregating the different sources of impact according to the specific needs of users or the nature of environmental strategies.

For example, it is possible to consolidate the product's energy sources at the time of manufacture (% renewable energy, % coal energy, % thermal energy, etc.) in order to know precisely the origins of the product's energy impacts and then define appropriate eco-design strategies.

The right action levers for undertaking eco-design initiatives through dynamic simulation

Based on the identification of the most effective action levers, Glimpact enables eco-design approaches to be implemented through dynamic simulation of different product scenarios. It is thus possible to interactively visualize the impact of an eco-designed product scenario and compare it with that of one or more reference products before implementing eco-design actions.

Results are displayed in different formats, by functional unit and SKU, as well as by life-cycle stage. All simulations created can be compared with each other, enabling the best eco-design option to be chosen and translated into an action plan.

Its overall environmental footprint according to the requirements of the OEF method adopted by the EU

Glimpact calculates your company's overall environmental footprint by aggregating the results of assessments on the 16 impact categories of the OEF method, including carbon footprint, fine particle emissions, use of fossil and water resources, ecotoxicity and use of agricultural land. This footprint is expressed as an OEF score in µPt (micro-points) on a continuous scale, where a higher score indicates a company's larger overall footprint. One PEF point represents the environmental footprint of an average European for one year.

In this example, the company in question has a global footprint of 14 points, equivalent to the impact of 14 average Europeans in a year.

Its environmental impact by impact category

By applying the characterization methods to each of the 16 impact categories defined by the OEF method, Glimpact enables you to visualize which impact categories contribute most to your company's overall environmental footprint.

In this example, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the cause of climate change, account for 38% of the company's overall environmental footprint. This means that if the company were to consider only its carbon footprint, it would be ignoring more than 60% of its real global impact.

Global and detailed environmental impact, by scope 1, 2 and 3 (according to carbon footprint emissions)

Glimpact displays your company's impact according to 3 scopes, from direct impacts (scope 1) to indirect impacts (scope 3). Scopes 1, 2 and 3 designate the different sources of a company's environmental impact: scope 1 concerns direct impacts, scope 2 indirect impacts linked to energy consumption, and scope 3 encompasses indirect impacts originating from the company's entire value chain.

For each scope, Glimpact calculates its environmental footprint, detailing its composition, in particular that of scope 3. For industrial and retail companies, where scope 3 is essentially made up of the products manufactured or distributed, Glimpact makes it possible to assess the detailed impact across all stages of their life cycle by aggregating analyses at product level (by applying the PEF method), and thus to understand the detailed sources of impact.

In this example, scope 3 alone represents 65 % of the company's environmental footprint.

Detailed explanations of your company's environmental impact

The Sankey diagram highlights the main contributions to your company's environmental footprint for scopes 1 to 3. It's a flow diagram, where the flows with the largest surface area represent the greatest source of impact for the specific stage, sub-stage, material or process. In this way, you can directly identify the processes that have the greatest influence on your company's overall impact, and identify the right levers for reducing this impact.

Here, the Sankey diagram shows that scope 3 contributes the most to the overall environmental footprint (65%). Within scope 3, packaging has the largest environmental footprint, accounting for 89% of the company's impact, with end-of-life accounting for 25%.

Factors and other emissions that contribute most to the company's environmental footprint (hotspots)

For each scope, the numerous impact indicators dynamically calculated by Glimpact enable us to identify the hotspots, i.e. the factors that contribute most to the company's overall impact.

The main levers you can use to significantly reduce your company's environmental footprint

Glimpact enables you to simulate different scenarios for reducing your company's environmental footprint compared with its current footprint, and thus define the right levers for action to reduce it.

Here, the case of an industrial company in the textile sector has chosen to act on its scope 3, the biggest contributor to its overall impact, by reducing the quantity of cotton used and choosing recycled rather than conventional cotton. It is then possible to simulate the effects of these various eco-design actions on a group of products or even on all collections and the entire scope 3, using a dynamic macro-simulation concept.

This initiative alone has resulted in a 13 % reduction in the company's overall environmental footprint.

The right approach for setting realistic objectives and the right trajectory for reducing your environmental footprint.

Based on the identification of the right action levers to significantly reduce your company's overall environmental footprint, and the simulation of their real effects in terms of environmental benefits, Glimpact enables you to set realistic impact reduction targets, define the right trajectory and, above all, the appropriate strategic action plans to achieve them. Finally, Glimpact enables the execution of these action plans to be monitored and the achievement of their objectives to be steered through a genuine environmental reporting concept.

As part of its Green Deal, the European Union has adopted new regulations that will have a major impact on industry players, notably the new eco-design regulation and the CSRD directive on extra-financial reporting. This is also the case in France, with its Anti-Waste for a Circular Economy Act (AGEC) and the Climate and Resilience Act. These new regulations require companies to declare the environmental performance of their products and organizations.

To meet these requirements, Glimpact offers a dynamic rendering system to present the required information in a clear and accessible way. This system takes into account the requirements of current legislation, as well as those of the new EU Ecodesign Regulation (ESPR). It allows the generation of different restitution models for the same product, and in particular according to the concept of the digital product passport required by the ESPR, integrating information such as environmental score, product category and specific tags. Once created, the restitution can be shared via a QR code or web link, giving consumers easy access to relevant environmental information. The device can be easily integrated into any website using an HTML "iFrame" tag, offering a practical and effective solution for meeting regulatory requirements while informing consumers about the environmental footprint of products.

Advanced "dashboard" features for effective reporting and formalization of impact analysis findings

Glimpact offers visualization and analysis of environmental results through flexible dashboards, essential for every level of a company to access critical information that influences strategic decisions. These dynamic, customizable dashboards enable intuitive segmentation of data, adding a significant layer of analysis.

Users have the ability to design their own dashboards according to their specific needs, consolidating environmental performance data from various segments of their catalog. These tables can then be exported in tabular formats for further analysis, tailoring reporting to various corporate parameters, such as by store, region or business unit.

A reporting module to manage your eco-design initiatives and strategic plans to reduce your company's overall environmental footprint
Glimpact's integrated reporting system facilitates the continuous monitoring of environmental KPIs specific to products and company entities. This enables CSR teams to accurately drive the company's environmental strategy, aligning environmental objectives with operational performance within a single, automated platform.

Access to corporate information systems for the integration of descriptive product data or corporate activity data.

Glimpact can be interacted with in three different ways, notably to facilitate or automate the import and export of data needed to assess and analyze the environmental performance of products and organizations:

Use of a web interface enabling users to manually manage the workspace, encode descriptive data on products or services in dynamic forms, and analyze evaluation results using innovative visualizations.

Use of a standardized exchange file (available in the following formats: JSON, TSV, CSV) to directly and dynamically import a wide range of activity data into the platform, and export evaluation and analysis results out of the system.

Use of the Glimpact API as a tool for integration and dynamic, automatic communication with external systems (various internal customer tools such as ERP, PLM, PIM, etc.).

A traceability module for the data required to assess the environmental footprint of a company's supply chain.

Glimpact integrates an innovative traceability module to collect the information needed to assess the environmental footprint of products and organizations, from suppliers throughout the supply chain.

Information is collected using a dynamic chain principle. Data is collected via online forms tailored to the needs of each product category. These forms are scalable and can be pre-filled with information already present in the company's information systems, or via import files. They can also be fed directly via API.

The forms are made up of a succession of fields enabling each supplier, depending on its contribution to the supply chain, to enter textual and numerical information, link components and select values from drop-down lists. Default data, or data representative of a sub-category, can be defined for each field, in the event, for example, that the supplier does not hold the information requested.

A dashboard provides a quick overview of the progress and status of the data collection campaign. Graphs can be clicked on, and filters can be used to target data collection for better follow-up.